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River Valley Soccer Association


Welcome, coaches!

Here, you'll discover RVSA's basic Rules and Regulations, along with some handy guidelines, great links for personal coaching courses, and engaging lesson plans. We've also included plenty of resources, including the fantastic MOJO SPORTS app, to help you develop fun and effective soccer practices for our young players. And don't forget to stay tuned to our Facebook page or website for any updates on practice or game cancellations due to bad weather. We've got you covered!"

RVSA Rules & Regulations for ALL AGES

Coaches, click the image below to view all RVSA Rules and Regulations for your Division.  RVSA Rules & Regulations RVSA Rules & Regulations

Basic Guidelines By Division

Coaches will choose their own practice days and times. Practices do NOT require a whole field. 

U4 & U5 Guidelines 

Coaches are the referees for the games.

  •  Ball size: size 3

  • Games will have 8 quarters, each 5 mins long with a 5 minute break after the 4th quarter. 

  • 3v3 with no goalie

  • No Offsides 

  • Goal Kicks: the opposing team must push back to half until the ball is kicked. Once the ball is kicked, its in play.

  •  Head coach or assistant coach should be timekeeperKeep them moving and explain the basics of soccer. Throw Ins, Corners & Goal Kicks.

U6&U8 Guidelines

  • Ball size: size 3

    • U6 Division Teams 5v5 & U8 Division Teams are 6v6

    • U6 4 players and a goalie on field

    • U8 5 players and a goalie on field

    • Goal Kicks: the opposing team must push back to half until the ball is kicked. Once the ball is kicked, its in play.

  • Time:

    • U6: Games will have 4 quarters, each 10 mins long with a 5 minute break after the 2nd quarter. 

    • U8: Games will have 2 halves, each 20 mins long with a 5 minute break for halftime. 


  • U6: remind/show a proper throw in. However if player has already run onto the field, continue play.

  • U8: A rethrow is permitted if not done properly the first attempt.

U10 & U12 Guidelines 

  • Ball size: size 4 

  •  U10: 7v7 6 players & goalie on field

  • U12: 9v9 8 players & goalie on field ( subject to change )

  • Goal Kick: once the ball is kicked, it is in play. 

  • Throw Ins: no rethrow, the opposing team will be rewarded the throw in.

  • Offsides will be called, no leniency!

  • Time:
  • U10: 2-24 minute halves with a 5 minute break for halftime.
  • U12: 2-30 minute halves, with a 5 minute break for halftime.

***** For ALL DIVISIONS: Game minutes played and the number of players on the field are subject to change. All changes are discussed by the board to accommodate the large number of registered players******* ALL PLAYERS THAT ARE PRESENT MUST PLAY HALF OF GAME. ALL TIMESHEETS MUST BE TURNED IN TO THE CENTER REFEREE AT THE END OF EVERY GAME.

Say Soccer Coaches Manual:  coachmanual.pdf